Our 2019 Lenten Retreat for the church school was held on Saturday, April 6 following the Memorial Saturday Divine Liturgy service.  The day included a service project and various activities geared toward each age group.

First, our students prepared bags filled with cereal, jerky, fruit cups, pudding, raisins, etc. to be distributed to the homeless.  Each family took a bag or two to distribute to a homeless person they encounter.

Following a light lunch, our small group activities included preparation for first Confession, reading the bible and a Holy Week lesson.  The students assembled together again to practice singing the Paschal Troparion and then went to the church next door for confessions.

On Sunday, April 7, students who had completed their first confession were presented with an icon, and those who had completed the class on how to read the bible were gifted with bibles from the parish.

We hope that everyone enjoyed this time together preparing for the "feast of feasts."  Thank you to our families for their gernerous food donations as well as the time they gave to to the class instruction.